Psoriasis Healing: The Benefits of Herbal Tea

I drink herbal tea almost every morning. In fact, I am drinking a cup right now as I type this article. Medicinal herbs have been proven to possess a plethora of health benefits and have been used for centuries to treat a wide range of diseases and illnesses. 

But can drinking herbal tea help treat psoriasis? Yes. The soothing and detoxifying properties of herbal teas assist in creating an ideal healing environment within the body as they are extremely effective in detoxifying the gut and relieving stress. Ultimately, the state of your skin and overall health depends on several different factors. There is no quick fix. So while herbal teas are not necessarily a one stop cure, they certainly posses many skin healing qualities and are a great habit to include in your daily ritual. 

Benefits of Herbal tea

Promotes Detoxification

If you are attempting to heal your skin through natural methods, it is crucial that you stimulate the detoxification process as often as possible. By drinking herbal tea every morning (or most mornings), you are jumpstarting the detox process and allowing your body the opportunity to clean itself out before your begin consuming food. 

I suggest you pair this daily habit with intermittent fasting. You can read my post on intermittent fasting here. If you are not familiar with the phrase, intermittent fasting is the practice of designating a certain time frame in which you consume zero calories. One of the More popular methods is the 8-8 fast. This is where you fast between the hours of 8 pm and 8 am. Herbal tea is an amazing compliment to this fasting method. Give it a shot. 

Improves Digestion

Herbal teas are known for jumpstarting your metabolism. When you drink herbal tea on an empty stomach, it not only detoxifies your body, but it also prepares your gut for optimal digestion. The effect that these medicinal herbs can have in terms of easing digestion and nutrient retention are very powerful. 

Nutrient retention is something that I seemed to have a lot of trouble with on my healing journey. Being a slim individual, I always felt that I could never gain any weight no matter how much I ate. Nutrient retention is extremely important to the healing process as nourishing your body is one of the fundamental properties of natural healing. Herbal teas can really help you get the most out of the food that you’re eating. 

With that in mind, building a nutrient rich diet is the most important aspect of healing your skin. In order to heal, you need to be consuming the right foods on a daily basis. Click this link to be directed to my free guide based on what to eat and what not to eat to heal psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis naturally.

Boosts Immune System

As you probably know, psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmunity can be a tricky thing to conquer. In order to reverse your disease, it is important that you do everything possible to improve your immune function. While 

This goes hand in hand with the benefits of detoxification. The antioxidants that many herbal teas contain can prove to be extremely effective in eliminating disease causing toxins from the body. The immune system cannot function properly in a toxic environment. Let herbal teas serve as a sort of mediator in this process. 

Reduces Inflammation

Skin disease is also closely related to inflammation in the body. As your body begins to accumulate toxins and your immune health declines, your body becomes prone to inflammation. Many of the symptoms that come along with autoimmune disease, such as skin breakouts and joint pain, are brought about by the process of inflammation.

The soothing properties of herbal tea are great for easing the tension that this inflammation can cause. As I mentioned, diet is the main factor in reversing skin disease and tea alone is not going to completely prevent inflammation from occurring. But in my experience, it is certainly one of your best direct anti-inflammatory options. 

Relieves Stress

Stress relief is sort of the anchor on the ground when in comes to healing. In order to fully heal, you eventually need to learn how to lift that anchor off the ground and limit the amount of stress that you are subjected to. 

You could be intermittent fasting, drinking tea, eating the right foods, exercising, and doing all the right things, but you are probably going to have a hard time healing if you are under a high level of stress. 

In my experience, fasting in the morning and relaxing to the soothing properties of herbal tea is a great way to mentally prepare yourself your the day ahead. The mental clarity that comes along with this habit is something that has been monumental to my progress. 


Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is one of the most relaxing herbal teas you can find. It is great for boosting your immunity, reliving stress, and it is personally one of my favorite teas. I’ve tried a lot of different herbal teas, but chamomile is one that I already find myself coming back to. 

It also promotes sleep which is an often overlooked part of the healing process. In order for your body to repair itself and improve its holistic environment, it is absolutely essential that you are consistently getting atleast 8 hours of sleep per night. If you have problems sleeping, try drinking some chamomile tea an hour or two before you go to sleep at night. With that said, you can drink it at any time in the day. 

Turmeric Tea

Turmeric is the gold standard for anti-inflammatories in the nutrition world. There are many ways to add it to your lifestyle, but drinking it in tea form is an easy place to start. 

As I stated, most autoimmune symptoms are closely tied to inflammation within your body. Turmeric will be just as effective as anything in controlling these inflammatory responses. Turmeric is closely tied to boosting immunity and improved arthritis symptoms. I would recommend turmeric to anyone who is struggling with any kind of inflammation problems. 

I also add turmeric in my cooking and juices. While this article is about teas, turmeric can also be purchased in powder and raw root form. Incorporate is into your life any way you can. 

Peppermint Tea

The thing about most herbal teas is that they all provide a large amount of benefits. Peppermint tea is another one of those incredibly versatile teas, but in my experience, it is one of the most soothing and calming teas there are. Maybe it is just personal preference, but there is just something about peppermint tea that really lifts your spirits. The taste and familiar scent are unbelievable in allowing my mind to relax. 

While all of the listed teas are held in a high regard for their gut health properties, peppermint tea has developed a reputation for being one of the most soothing digestive teas there are. It is a pretty common tea to come across which makes it a great convenient option. Like chamomile, peppermint tea is also great for sleep. I sort of alternate peppermint tea and chamomile tea at night. 

Saffron Tea

Saffron tea is widely known for its antidepressant properties. It can prove to be very effective in boosting your mood and easing some of the loud mental symptoms that can accompany autoimmune skin issues. 

As I touched on earlier in the “Stress Relief” section, finding a way to get your mental health back on track and unburden yourself from stress, anxiety, or depression is something that must be accomplished in order to heal. This can often be the most difficult part of healing for many people. Provide yourself with all the tools you can. Drink brain boosting teas, eat right, exercise meditate, etc… 


I usually drink 1-2 cups of herbal tea a day. I have a cup pretty much every morning and sometimes I will have one in the early afternoon or at night. With that in mind, you can certainly drink more than that if you wish. Although it’s not good to consume too much of anything, it’s hard to overdo herbal tea. Drink as much as you want. 

As with any other detoxifying food or drink, it is best to drink herbal tea on an empty stomach. In order to get the maximum benefits out of your tea, it needs to be consumed and processed as easily and as readily as possible. If you consume a meal right before you drink your tea, your digestive system will then be focusing on digesting food and in turn will be less efficient in absorbing the healing properties of the tea. 


Coffee is the most popular breakfast beverage in the world. For many people, coffee is not just a drink that they have in the morning, but an essential contributor to their energy levels and ability to stay alert throughout the day. 

Personally, I don’t think that drinking some coffee from time to time is a deal breaker in terms of skin health. With that said, I do believe that it is unhealthy to become dependent on the caffeine that coffee provides. Their are so many different teas and plant foods that are much more suitable in terms of providing you with sustainable energy. 

Another thing to mention is all of the ingredients that people add to their coffee. The dairy products and sugar additives are not doing your gut health any good. If you are going to drink coffee, I suggest that you drink it black. With that said, I think that anyone who is attempting to heal their gut and improve their skin would be better off sticking to herbal teas and other natural sources of energy. 


Incorporating herbal teas into your life is a simple little ritual that can help a lot in terms of building a strong gut health foundation. Take the information in this article and take the easy and inexpensive step of drinking herbal tea. 

Your natural skin treatment success is dependent on your ability to build the right regimen for you. Don’t dwell too much on the things you can’t consume. Start by trying to add 5 healthy habits into your life and then build from their. Drinking herbal tea and intermittent fasting are the perfect place to start. 

About Us

Natural Psoriasis Healing is designed to educate people with psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis on how to reverse their skin disease through improved nutrition and lifestyle practices.

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